
Privacy Policy

Dari K(ダリケー)株式会社は、お客様の氏名、住所、メールアドレスなど、特定の個人を識別できる情報(以下「個人情報」といいます)を適切に取り扱い、保護することが企業の責務であると認識し、次の取り組みを実施します。



  1. 1.ご購入・ご注文された商品をお届けし、ご請求および決済させていただくため。
  2. 2.当社の商品、割引販売および催事のご案内のため。
  3. 3.当社の商品・サービスについてのアンケートを実施するため。
  4. 4.お客様を対象としたキャンペーンの賞品をお届けするため。
  5. 5.お客様からお寄せいただいたお問合せ、ご意見、お申し出等に対応するため。
  6. 6.会員制サービスの運営のため。
  7. 7.メールマガジン配信サービスをお申し込みいただいたお客様にメールマガジンを配信するため。
  8. 8.お客様個人を特定しない統計情報として利用するため。
  9. 9.その他、個人情報を取得する際に明示する利用目的のため。

















Dari K株式会社 

Privacy Policy

Dari K Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”, “we” or “our”) recognizes that it is a corporate responsibility to properly handle and protect personal information of customers (hereinafter referred to as 'Personal Information') and implements the following measures.

1. Personal Information

“Personal Information” in this Privacy Policy means “Personal Information” as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan (Act No. 57 of 2003; “Personal Information Protection Act”); and therefore, means information which can identify a specific living individual by name, date of birth or other description contained in such information; or which includes a code that can identify a specific individual.

2. Purpose of Use of Personal Information

The Company uses the acquired Personal Information for the following purposes:

  1. (1)To deliver the products purchased or ordered and to bill and settle the payment.
  2. (2)To inform about our products, discount sales, and events.
  3. (3)To conduct surveys about our products and services.
  4. (4)To deliver rewards for customer campaigns.
  5. (5)To respond to inquiries, opinions, and offers from customers.
  6. (6)To operate membership services.
  7. (7)To send email newsletters to customers who have signed up for the email newsletter distribution service.
  8. (8)For use as statistical information that does not identify individual customers.
  9. (9)For other purposes clearly indicated when Personal Information is obtained.

In the event that we use Personal Information for purposes other than those described above, we will inform customers in advance of the new purpose of use of Personal Information. If the customer does not agree to the new purpose, they may refuse such use at their own discretion.

3. Acquisition of Personal Information

We will acquire customers' personal information in an appropriate manner, and notify and publicize the purpose of use of the personal information.

4. Proper Management of Personal Information

We take reasonable measures necessary to prevent the loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, and unauthorized access to Personal Information.

5. Restrictions on Provision to Third Parties

We will not disclose or provide Personal Information to any third parties without the customer's consent, except as required by law.

6. Management of Contractors

If we outsource the processing of Personal Information, we will conclude a contract for the protection of Personal Information with the outsourced company, and will manage the outsourced company appropriately.

7. Correction, Addition, and Deletion of Personal Information

If the customer requests corrections, additions, or deletions of its Personal Information, we respond promptly and take the necessary measures.

8. Education and Awareness-Raising

We will continue to educate and enlighten our employees regarding the importance and appropriate handling of personal information.

9. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

In handling Personal Information, we complies with all relevant laws and regulations concerning the protection of Personal Information, including Personal Information Protection Act, and will review and improve this Privacy Policy as appropriate.

For inquiries regarding the above, please contact:

46, Nishi-Kujo Kasuga-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto, Japan, 601-8413
(in Lotte Kyoto Branch Building)​
Business Strategy Department, Dari K Co., Ltd.